Decision making process

Sports betting when broken down to its’ most basic element is a highly intellectual pursuit. A plethora of complex information and statistics to break down and analyze for each match-up.

It is critical to use good judgment. It is critical for you to realize you will always be attempting to draw conclusions based on incomplete information. After all the games are played by humans officiated by humans. There will always be what ifs, concerns about your bet it is a constant within this environment. However when you realize it is no different than the types of decisions made in conventional business. Some work some do not.

Learn from experience. Forecast teams performances based on their worst and best games. The goal should be not to regret any of your bets. 

Analyze the game make your line compare to the books line and make a decision. Bet pass and or watch the line through the day to maximize value and time the market.

Winning streak or losing streak irrelevant make timely confident decisions.