Shortening the learning curve

Sports betting is difficult endeavor when using a trial and error approach. For every mistake a lesson is learned but that can become costly. So what is the alternative?

Read everything you can on the topic. However be smart enough to separate the ridiculous (because there is a lot of it) from the gems that truly can be helpful. Not only learn from your mistakes but also learn from those with experience who can be a mentor.

Bring no ego to the table. This is all about making money. A win % of 52.38 is break even. A win rate above this is your value your edge. A win rate below this your bet size your unit should be zero. Anything you can do to shorten your learning curve and fast track you to this win % is a big advantage.

The biggest disadvantage for the experienced sports bettor is to not adapt to the ever changing times. Markets change, rules of the sport change, strategy changes etc. etc. Look at basketball as just one example. The focus on speed the smaller player and the 3 point shot. Adapt to succeed. It is a constant battle to stay one step ahead of the markets.