Continuous Improvement

Career success is measured by how much you enjoy what you do. The optimum is to look forward to your work enjoy the process of problem solving. That in essence is our function with sports betting.

Always try to get better. This business like most is always evolving and changing. Adapt to succeed. Never stop learning and growing.

The only thing that can stop you is you. Have a passion for what you do and eventually the money will follow.

Make sure with every bet you make you have fully researched the pick. Leave no stone unturned. Make sure you have identified real value not imagined because you want to make a play on this game. More specifically real value means items you have found are not reflected in the line OR not accurately reflected in the line OR the markets have moved the line based on information/opinions that you do not agree with.

 It is useless in your handicapping a game your partial reasoning is the team is playing 3 in 4 with travel or a star player is out. You think the line maker does not know this. Again that does not mean there cannot be a bet but you first have to determine if these obvious items have been accounted for properly in the line. Do not be an action junkie. Be aggressively selective.

As with any type of equity trading BULLS make money


                                                             BEARS make money


                                                             PIGS get slaughtered