2 Months of 2015 in the Books Bring on March 03/01/15 (more...)

January 2015 was a profitable month slightly below are minimum targeted ROI of 5%. February 2015 was a fantastic month. Overall we ended up at 16-8 and have a long term streak going of 32-16. We generally will have 2-3 really great runs over the course of a year. Going back to 2014 12 out of the last 14 months we have turned a profit.
Remember you can never predict when these streaks will start or end. My mentality is always whether on a good or bad run regardless if I went 5-0 or 0-5 the previous day each day starts at 0-0. The rest is history learn from it and move on.
Believe it or not more people go bankrupt during winning streaks than losing streaks. They decide they cannot lose they start forcing plays for action and in addition double their unit. One or two bad days later they have destroyed what was accomplished over the month.
There are only 2 ways to increase your unit. One is to re-invest your profits from this business. You increase your unit when your bankroll has increased by 50%. Than you can recalculate 2% of your bankroll for your new unit dollar value and stair step towards that amount. Second you can invest more into your unencumbered betting bankroll if you have additional personal funds to devote.
Let us see what March brings us as we inch ever closer to the beginning of baseball season. I will devote a separate Grapevine to MLB towards the end of the month.