Being the Best Sports Bettor You Can Be 06/24/12 (more...)

The best sports bettors are information junkies. Researchers who know how to separate the important information from the 90% irrelevant junk that is available in the information age. Know what to look for and find the value between the line you set on the game vs. the sports books line. Have a finely developed analytical ability and a skill to evaluate risk vs. reward. These above mentioned skills are readily adaptable to all aspects of your life.
As with any business mindset and attitude are critical to success. There is huge money to be made in this business. However like most industries the top 1% gets it from the other 99%. There is a famous saying you may have heard before but it is so true. “Those who are losing claim they are breaking even. Those who are breaking even claim to be way ahead. Those who REALLY do win say very little except that this business can be very humbling at times.”
Plenty of sports bettors think they know a lot about sports. They are right they do. However that is the easy part of knowledge in this business. Predicting line moves, timing the marketplace, finding value, money management, and discipline are the other critical factors required for success.