MId-Year Recap 06/30/13 (more...)

With the close of business today we will reach the midpoint of our 2013 betting year. Keep in mind that is from a calendar perspective. The majority of our volume takes place from September to December. In fact on average in the last 4 months of the year on average we do about 60% of our total volume.
It has been an excellent first half. Volume is down but that is never a primary concern. It is always about VALUE and always will be. Finding weaknesses in the line. If that is 8 plays on a given day great if it is zero plays on a given day well time to exercise patience. The national anthem is sung somewhere every day.
Our return on investment is currently at 8.979% for the first half of the year. In over 20 years of tracking my results we average a return on investment of 3-7% yearly. In an excellent year we can do over 10% in a down year we come in at slightly less than 3% however those are exceptions and the above range is the norm.
So we have been able to accomplish very good profits all our betting bankrolls should be up from the first half. From here we have to build on that momentum with much work to do and have a great second half.
It is essential like any other conventional business that you keep excellent detailed records of your results. It really only takes about 15 minutes a week. If you are unsure what to track read the article from the link below called Record Keeping http://professionalsportshandicapping.com/blog/record-keeping-121811-more/