Mid-Year Recap/Record Keeping 07/01/12 (more...)

To say that we have had a successful start to the 2012 betting year would be a huge understatement. The close of business today will mark the half-way point of our year. We presently sit at a WHOPPING 13.025% return on investment (ROI). Now keep in mind a few words of caution. Over 20+ years of doing this my ROI on a yearly basis will generally fall between 3-7%. Even with that range if you are shopping effectively you are making serious money. The highest ROI I have ever been able to achieve for 1 year which took place in 2009 was 11.472%.
Lastly most years we will do more volume from September-December in those 4 months than the previous 8 months. My point is there is still much work to be done. I will remain diligent, disciplined, focused in my pursuit of value and perhaps we can establish a new record year.
What we have accomplished so far is establish a great base of profits (money in our pockets) that we can build on and use to re-invest in the business ( increasing your unit) if you choose to do so.
I am not going to go into my usual rant about how important taking 5 minutes a day for your record keeping is. What I will say if you are NOT record keeping you cannot even consider this a hobby let alone a business. What I will also do is provide for you a link taking you to a previous Grapevine explaining what the minimum record keeping you should do. In addition if anyone has any questions about this topic or how to calculate ROI do not hesitate to contact me and I will be more than happy to help you.