Super Bowl 51 Atlanta Falcons vs. New England Patriots 02/05/17 (more...)

I am not trying to put a damper on your enthusiasm however the Super Bowl is 1 game the last game of this football year. However regardless of the fact it is the Super Bowl you still just risk 1 unit.
I draw the comparison to New Year’s Eve where everyone comes out to party. Everyone has an opinion and in some fashion or another bets the Super Bowl. For yourself it is just 1 bet over the course of 1.000’s that you make through the year.
Generally speaking the higher the profile of an event the less chance of value for many reasons. If you win your Super Bowl bet or you win a NCAAB bet with 2 non-descript schools guess what? The money is exactly the same.
Enjoy the game have a party RISK 1 unit NO MORE!