Timing the Market 02/23/14 (more...)

We often talk about timing the market in regards to a particular game. This is all about watching the line predicting which way it may go before pulling the trigger and making the bet. No one times the market with 100% efficiency. If the line is moving in your favor wait for it and hit the game when it reaches a peak therefore getting the absolute best line and achieving maximum value.
Conversely if the line moves against you and too quickly that you did not get your bet down it is likely that play you had value on no longer has value. Have enough discipline and patience to now not bet that game. Regardless of the end result move on there are opportunities every day. The national anthem is played somewhere all the time.
Timing the market also relates to individual teams. All teams over the course of a long season go through winning and losing streaks just like we do. Looking for those red flags that no one else picks up on to start fading a team can be really profitable. Likewise being able to time the market when a team is about to go on a run can be equally very profitable.
Bottom line when you know you have a good read on a particular team that is about to take off or to crash do not hesitate to put your money on the line.